About the ICWA Interactive Environmental Map

The ICWA Interactive Environmental Map* is an online interactive map that depicts the Mountain Valley Pipeline route and potential environmental impacts, with a focus on Summers and Monroe counties in West Virginia, including the crossing of Peters Mountain into Virginia.

This map is intended as a resource to assist individuals, organizations and agencies to identify and analyze critical sensitivities and risks posed by the construction and operation of MVP’s proposed 42-inch natural gas pipeline.

Most map layers apply to all of West Virginia and into Virginia. Some focus on Monroe and Summers counties, where individuals and watershed groups are identifying specific areas of sensitivity and local resource features that do not appear on the national and state-level maps.

As a longstanding watershed association in Monroe County, ICWA’s primary interest is in assessing the threat to the waters of our counties, and to the public and private water supplies of potentially affected families. While ICWA has provided direction and startup funding for the map, critical support and input has come from local groups and individuals. Technical development and hosting is by Downstream Strategies, LLC.

We welcome suggestions and opportunities to collaborate, as we continue to develop the features of this map.

For more specific information about the mapping project, or to comment, please send us an email at IndianCreekWater@gmail.com

*The ICWA Interactive Environmental Map is inspired by, and modeled after, the Atlantic Coast Pipeline Environmental Mapping System (ACP-EMS), which was developed by RIck Webb and Daniel Shaffer of the Dominion Pipeline Monitoring Coalition. We are grateful for their outstanding example and for their generosity in sharing ideas and information.

Another map, the Mountain Valley Pipeline Exploratory GIS Map was produced by Drs. Stockton Maxwell and Andrew Foy of the GIS Center of the Department of Geospatial Science at Radford University in April 2016. It focuses on geological hazards in affected Virginia counties but also shows some features in adjacent counties in West Virginia. 

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