Preserve Monroe Maps of Proposed Pipelines Through Monroe County

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Maps of Proposed Pipelines Through Monroe County


Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP)

MVP Monroe County Alternative Routes (February 2015)

MVP Alternative Route — Monroe County (February 2015)

Alternative MVP Route (February 2015)

Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) submitted an alternative route to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on February 18, 2015. Their FERC documents include a county-wide map of the alternate route through Monroe County:

Maps related to the “alternative routes” through Monroe, Craig, and Roanoke counties. (for Monroe and Craig Counties see pages 1-4)

Parcel maps are now available:

MVP pipeline site

Download PDF of Monroe County Parcels

Original MVP Corridor Maps (October 2014)

MVP has not withdrawn or modified its pre-filing with FERC or the National Forest Service. The following maps represent the original corridor. They may still be considered as a final option.

Detailed Monroe County Topographical MVP Maps — This link will take you to the FERC site with topographic maps showing the original pipeline route through Monroe County.

Detailed Monroe County Parcel Maps of MVP Proposed Route — The following detailed maps were created from the official maps provided by the MVP parcel maps. The map have been modified to highlight the proposed corridor and include local points of reference showing landmarks and roadways.  Thanks to Monroe County artist Jim Clewell for his work to help us visualize the impact of the pipeline.

8x10_MVP_Map_2Caution – these maps are of the original pipeline route. They are not current.

MVP Proposed Route Using Google Earth and Geographical Information Systems (link to PreservetheNRV)

Dr. Stockton Maxwell, Assistant Professor of Geospatial Science at Radford University has been working with PreservetheNRV to help landowners and citizens see the proposed MV pipeline route. He created a Google Earth file of the entire route of the MVP including a buffer of 150 feet on each side of the route for the right-of-way during the construction phase of the project.

Monroe County Watershed Maps — Pipeline construction and maintenance could have a severe impact on the watersheds in Monroe County.

Microsoft Word - Monroe County Comprehensive Plan

Microsoft Word - Monroe County Comprehensive Plan

The Appalachian Connector (formerly known as Western Marcellus) pipeline

Yet Another Gas Pipeline has been proposed by Williams Transco (The Monroe Watchman).

Information suggests another company has its sights set on Monroe for a natural gas transmission line. The company has not published detailed maps of this proposed pipeline corridor.  However, the preliminary route slices through Monroe County in some different areas than the Mountain Valley pipeline.



Map #2 Appalachian Connector

jpg of “WesternMarcellusPipelineOpenSeasonMap.pdf”

Map #1 Appalachian Connector

See also: