WVCA cost-share program.
Indian Creek in Monroe County of West Virginia is a large tributary of the New River. Indian Creek was once a destination fishing stream and home to the now-endangered candy darter. In 2006, however, Indian Creek was placed on the 303(d) impaired waters list due to fecal coliform bacteria contamination from undetermined sources.
Failing septic systems are one of the factors that have downgraded Indian Creek’s former fishing stream health. This WV Conservation Agency program offers help.
Does your septic system need maintenance?
Funding assistance is available for the pumping of septic systems and/or repair or replacement of failing septic systems.
If your property is within the areas outlined in red on the map below, you may be eligible.
This includes the entire Indian Creek watershed.
The program provides cost-share amounts of:
Septic System Pumping – 50% up to $300.00
Septic System Repair or Replacement – 75% up to $5,000.00
For more information and to determine eligibility please contact:
Kara Grosso
West Virginia Conservation Agency
179 Northridge Drive, Lewisburg, WV 24901
Call: 304-539-3970
Email kgrosso@wvca.us
Learn more about being “SepticSmart”! Check out these EPA flyers:
- Do Your Part, Be SepticSmart: Overview
- Do Your Part, Be SepticSmart: The Do’s and Don’ts of Your Septic System
- SepticSmart Landscaping
- SepticSmart Homeowners Guide
Information about available resources in Indian Creek Watershed:
Indian Creek was once a destination fishing stream and home to the now-endangered candy darter. In 2006, however, Indian Creek was placed on the 303(d) impaired waters list due to fecal coliform bacteria contamination from undetermined sources. An EPA study in 2008 identified fecal coliform loads associated primarily with failing onsite home sewage treatment systems and agricultural land uses. It recommended reductions in fecal coliform loading.
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and the West Virginia Conservation Agency (WVCA) are working together to have funding available to farmers and property owners located in the Indian Creek watershed. Together, these agencies are working to restore the health and water quality of Indian Creek, its amazing network of streams, and our vulnerable underground aquifers.
Property owners who need to pump, repair or replace failing septic systems are able to get help from the West Virginia Conservation Agency (WVCA). For information, contact Kara Grosso: (304) 539-3970 or email kgrosso@wvca.us.
Farmers are able to get help in managing grazing and nutrients, livestock water development, and pasture division fencing, including alternative water development through the USDA NRCS.
For information contact the NRCS office in Union: (304) 772-3006.