Sample Comment Format

How to Comment on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement

Attached is a skeleton model for a letter to the FERC that you can use to write a comment for the DEIS. What you include in a DEIS comment differs from pre-DEIS comments in at least three significant ways:

  1. Cite the section, page #, etc. of the DEIS that you are responding to.
  2. If there are statements in the DEIS that you disagree with, you should say that—and provide evidence if possible to support your disagreement.
  3. If you have previously submitted a comment, reference it to show how the FERC failed to consider that comment.

This sample is being made available to the public. The contents of comments to the FERC are up to the individual making the comment. Landowners who have questions or concerns should consult an attorney.

For a Word file of this sample, click here
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Note! This is a sample format—Make sure you DELETE THE ITALICIZED SUGGESTIONS and save before you submit


Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street NE, Room 1A
Washington, DC 20426

RE: Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Docket No. CP16-10-000

I am commenting on pages __________ of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Mountain Valley Project and Equitrans Expansion Project (September 16, 2016), Docket No. CP16-10-000 and Docket No. CP16-13-000.

1. (If you have previously submitted a comment, add this section.)
In preparing the DEIS, the FERC failed to meaningfully address the significant concerns raised in my previously submitted comment(s).
Accession Number:
Date of filing previous comment(s):

2. (Write comment here. If there are statements in the DEIS that you disagree with, you should say that and provide evidence if possible to support your disagreement.)

3. Because of the unaddressed concerns I have identified above, and other significant information gaps that have been noted by other commenters and cited within the DEIS document itself, I request that the FERC issue a new DEIS with complete and corrected information, so that the public has an opportunity to assess and comment on the potential impacts of the project prior to the issuance of the FEIS.

If the FERC does not issue a new DEIS, I request that the FERC choose the No Action Alternative.

(Include your name and address, email, phone number.)

cc: US Environmental Protection Agency

For a Word file of this sample, click here
For a contact information list, click here