MVP NEWS UPDATE: MVP Starts Construction Through All Steams, Wetlands, Rivers, Peters Mountain, and the Jefferson National Forest
16 On July 27 the US Supreme Court issued a brief order that vacated the stay orders preventing MVP from continuing with construction pending the results of the two petitions currently in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.
17 At the same time, oral arguments were being heard in the Fourth Circuit about whether Senator Manchin’s special “Complete the MVP” Section 324 of the Fiscal Responsibility compelled the Fourth Circuit to dismiss those two appeal petitions that challenge the US Fish and Wildlife’s Biological Opinion (required by the Endangered Species Act) and the Forest Service/BLM approvals for MVP to cross the Jefferson National Forest.
Here’s the Supreme Court order and some initial media coverage:
Supreme Court order vacating MVP stays, 7-27-23
Supreme Court clears the way for pipeline construction favored by Manchin, Washington Post, 7-27-23
Supreme Court chief justice clears the way for MVP construction to resume, WV Gazette-Mail, 7-27-23
MVP construction can resume Supreme Court rules, Roanoke Times, 7-27-23
How the System Works: Joe Manchin’s Pipe Dream, Jim Hightower’s Lowdown (Substack), 7-25-23 (for a touch of humor?)
Construction monitoring will now be a priority! Check back soon for more information. Email if you would like to help.