ICWA’s mission is the preservation and protection of Monroe County’s abundant, pure water.
Education that leads to citizens’ involvement with watershed issues and local planning efforts are the key to Monroe water protection. We continue to expand our outreach in the community to increase our membership and participation in ICWA preservation activities.
ICWA maintains a strong partnership with Monroe’s other watershed group, Friends of The Second Creek. ICWA will keep the Monroe County Commission and the Monroe Planning Commission apprised of its activities and provides updated water protection information and statistics as they become available.
We are committed to not only providing the public with information but also receiving feedback and concerns from local citizens. ICWA realizes land and water stewardship is the responsibility of all citizens. To ensure greater acceptance and understanding of new policies and regulation, a cross section of the population should be involved in all phases of the local planning process. The new county plan will include a process for periodic review and revision. ICWA will continue to conduct public education on watershed issues.