Disclaimer by FTI Consulting Group:
The information contained herein has been prepared based upon financial and other data provided to FTI from the management and staff of EQT Corporation and from public sources. There is no assurance by anyone that this information is accurate or complete. FTI has not subjected the information contained herein to an audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.Accordingly, FTI cannot express an opinion or any other form of assurance on, and assumes no responsibility for, the accuracy or correctness of the historical information or the completeness and achievability of the projected financial data, information and assessments upon which the enclosed report is presented.
Letter by Dr. Stephen Miller to Mr. Durham, News Director Fox59 News:
Dear Mr. Durham:
I am a resident of Monroe County and it was brought to my attention that Fox59 reported on the “Economic Benefits” statement recently released by EQT Corporation regarding the Mountain Valley Pipeline project.
I believe EQT Corporation is attempting to mislead the public about potential economic benefits of this pipeline in order to garner public support.
Residents of Monroe County have been advised that the residents, not EQT Corporation, are still responsible for paying property taxes, even if the pipeline passes through their property. In fact, this is pointed out in one of the information packets distributed by EQT Corporation. The only tax benefit Monroe County will receive, according to our assessor, is $8,000 to $9,000 per year initially on the pipeline itself. This number will decrease yearly as it is depreciated.
There is currently strong and widespread public opposition to this pipeline passing through Monroe County. There will be a public meeting at James Monroe High School on Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2015 at 7:00 pm. This is the third public meeting on this issue, and a large turnout is anticipated. I would like to invite you to cover this event.
I would also encourage you to cover this issue and help dispel misleading information that is being published and provided to the media by EQT Corporation. When you begin to examine this project more closely, it is likely to provide minimal benefit to not only Monroe County, but all of West Virginia. All evidence points to the natural gas produced from this project being exported and little or none for domestic use.
Mr. Durham, thank you for taking time to read this. Residents in southern West Virginia are desperate to have media coverage to provide more factual information to the public. I am attaching an article I recently provided to our local newspaper, The Monroe Watchman.
Thank you –Dr. Stephen Miller