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Preserve Monroe
About Preserve Monroe:
Preserve Monroe is a coalition of landowners, residents, businesses and organizations in Monroe County, WV. Preserve Monroe encourages citizens to participate in the responsible stewardship of our resources to assure the healthy and prosperous future of Monroe County and our families.
Preserve Monroe opposes the attempt by private corporations to build large, 42-inch interstate transmission pipelines through our county. These pipelines would cut across our mountains, streams and farmlands carrying natural gas to points east and overseas. We are united by concern that these large excavation and construction projects—as well as the long-term presence of high-pressure gas pipelines of this magnitude—are a very real threat to our water, to our families and community, and to our property values and landowner rights.
Preserve Monroe welcomes all who love Monroe County. Please join us.
Preserve Monroe Partners:
- Friends of THE Second Creek [email: SecondCreekWV@gmail.com]
- Indian Creek Watershed Association [email: IndianCreekWater@gmail.com]
- Save Monroe [email: sandmmiller83@yahoo.com or phone: (304) 887-7090]
- Save the Water Table Organization
- Stand Up for Monroe [email: StandUpForMonroe@gmail.com]