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Pipeline Meetings, News, Events

Top of the News: Lawsuits filed in Monroe and Summers over pipeline issues

Posted: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 6:57 pm

Six West Virginia landowners have responded to a pipeline developer’s threats of legal action by filing preemptive lawsuits of their own, asking courts in Monroe and Summers counties to prevent the developer’s agents from entering the three couples’ properties or to at least limit the agents’ activities.  For full story, click here

There was standing room only at the Monroe County Courthouse for the          Preserve Monroe March 12 public meeting about the proposed MVP            interstate gas pipelines through Monroe County

 Watch video on Channel 59 news

February 19 – MVP released parcel maps for Monroe County. Click below for

Download PDF of Monroe County Parcels

February 18, 2015 – Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) submitted an alternative route to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) today. Their documents include a county-wide map of the alternative route through Monroe County. Detailed parcel maps are not public yet. We will post those as soon as they are available. Here is what is available now:

For landowners who have received a letter from Coates – To request a map from Coates that shows the proposed corridor route through your property, call the person and telephone number indicated on the letter you received.

The pipeline route is changing — Monroe County landowners have been receiving news that the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) is considering an alternative route through the county. Beginning on Friday, January 30th, landowners along the initial corridor learned by phone or email that an alternative route was being explored. The first week of February, landowners farther north in the county received letters from Coates Field Service asking for permission to conduct surveys on their property for the pipeline.

A spokeswoman for Mountain Valley Pipeline LLC confirmed Monday that the company is considering alternative routes for the buried natural gas pipeline. . . .

“. . . As part of this effort, we are currently evaluating possible alternative routes in multiple counties and will begin contacting landowners and localities along these alternative routes,” spokeswoman Natalie Cox said. . . .

. . . Clay Goodman, county administrator for Craig County, confirmed that pipeline representatives recently visited Craig County to review tax maps. Goodman said he had no additional information.

Chris McKlarney, county administrator for Giles County, said that the county was informed Monday by an EQT Corp. representative that other routes are being considered.

“However, they explained that the evaluation of additional routes does not necessarily mean that it will shift out of Giles, only that they are evaluating additional routes,” McKlarney said.

For the complete Roanoke Times story: Pipeline Considers Alternative Routes

Monroe County Commission Responds to Red Sulphur PSD Concerns (from The Monroe Watchman)

In a letter to EQT and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on January 12th, the Monroe County Commission responded to concerns recently expressed by the Red Sulphur Public Service District about possible impacts from the proposed Mountain Valley Gas Transmission Pipeline. Click link above to view the complete text of the Commission’s letter as printed in the Monroe Watchman.

Preserve Monroe would like to thank the County Commission — Clyde Gum (president), Shane Ashley, and Bill Miller — for their leadership in protecting the quality of the waters of Monroe County. Thank you also to Jerry Pitzer and the board members of the Red Sulphur PSD, Mayor of Peterstown Mike Lively and the Peterstown Town Council for keeping this issue at the top of the County Commission’s agenda.

Reports from previous meetings:

Public Meeting, January 8: Freezing temperatures did not keep over 300 people from attending the public pipeline meeting held at James Monroe High School organized by property owners and county organizations concerned about the impact of the proposed gas pipelines in Monroe County. There were a wide range of speakers and Q&A.

Over 300 people attend January 8 Pipeline Meeting (from The Monroe Watchman)

 Copy of agenda of January 8 Public Meeting

Click links below for news coverage of the January 8 Public Meeting

“Monroe County Residents Attend Pipeline Meeting” – WVNS 59News coverage of the January 8th Public Meeting

Community Upset over Proposed Pipeline- WVNS59New coverage of January 8th Public Meeting

Monroe County Commission meeting December 3: On December 3, Jerry Pitzer, speaking on behalf of the Red Sulphur Public Service District board members addressed the Monroe County Commission. He cited serious concerns about how close the pipeline would come to the public water sources for approximately 4,000 county residents. Speaking of Coburn Spring, which he said has been providing water to Peterstown since the 1937, Pitzer commented, “I do not believe this faithful spring will fail us; my fear is through irresponsible acts we will fail it.”

Lindside Meeting November 18: On Tuesday, November 18, about 200 county residents attended a meeting held at the Lindside Methodist Church Community Center. Leading the meeting was Dr. Steve Miller of Lindside, and speakers included Elise Keaton of the Greenbrier River Watershed Association and Joe Lovett of Appalachian Mountain Advocates. Many in the audience had received letters of requests to survey on their property, or they lived close to the proposed corridor. When asked by Joe Lovett how many opposed the proposed pipeline route, there was a near unanimous show of hands.

Monroe County Commission Meeting November 12:  On Wednesday, November 12, 2014, the Monroe County Commissioners met at 11:00 with community members advocating that all special pipeline meetings were conducted in a manner to ensure that residents’ concerns were heard. At 1:00 representatives from the Mountain Valley Pipeline gave a 20-minute  presentation to the Commission, followed by Q&A. Both meetings were open to the public.

Peterstown Meeting October 23: A meeting for people concerned about the Mountain Valley Pipeline was held Thursday, Oct. 23, in Peterstown, W.Va.

Giles County Virginia Board of Supervisors met November 20:  According to The Roanoke Times, about 300 people showed up to listen to the EQT Mountain Valley Pipeline presentation to the Giles County Board of Supervisors and to ask questions of the pipeline representatives.

In the News (direct links to media reports)

Other news:

Montgomery County Virginia Board of Supervisors pass resolution opposing MVP route:  On November 12, 2014 the Montgomery County Virginia Board of Supervisors passed a resolution opposing the route proposed by Mountain Valley Pipeline LLC.  According to the Charleston Gazette, board members plan to submit the resolution to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, which must approve the pipeline before it could be built.  The board’s concerns include the pipeline’s impact on property values and the county’s scenic, recreational and sensitive environmental areas; contamination of groundwater, surface water and wells; and threats to public safety.

Click here for information about other pipeline meetings held in our region

See also: